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/ Mental health
/ Mental health research and evaluation project report
Sunday, 3 November 2013
Mental health research and evaluation project report
Mental health research and evaluation in multicultural Australia: Developing a culture of inclusion has been prepared by Mental Health in Multicultural Australia (MHiMA) for the National Mental Health Commission. This independent report looks at what is known about the mental health of culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) communities in Australia; whether our mental health research pays adequate attention to cultural and linguistic diversity; and whether national data collections support evidence-informed mental health policy, practice and reform. The authors make recommendations for policy makers, researchers and others.
Emergency Services and Mental IllnessWhat do people affected by a mental illness and carers say about the help they receive from emergency services? What i
Emergency Services and Mental IllnessNew research by SANE Australia has found that mental health services too often leave police, ambulance staff and famili