Wednesday, 8 April 2015

Better Care- always room for improvement.

It has been noted that better care tends to be found in services tha“acknowledge there is always room for improvement – they are proactive, seeking feedback on their services and learning from concerns and complaints".
This report from the English Care Quality Commission (CQC) examines what underpins high quality care. It includes short case studies illustrating some of the qualities shown by care providers that have been rated good or outstanding overall. It also shares the views of some people responsible for care quality and what they have done to drive improvement.
The CQC note that three themes have emerged as drivers of better quality of care:
  • Care is person-centred, designed around the individual and includes their involvement.
  • The importance of the line-of-sight from senior leadership to the frontline staff and services.
  • Good care includes the provider checking on how well they are doing.

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Better Care- always room for improvement.
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