The development of this website plans to address the gap in education and improve the availability of resources aimed at junior doctors. Most of the educational content has been selected by junior doctors for junior doctors.
onthewards originated from some locally produced podcasts for junior doctors at Royal Prince Alfred (RPA) Hospital. There was such interest from doctors at other hospitals that they decided to remove the passwords and make it available to everyone. ontheblogs shares medical education topics relevant to junior doctors and their supervisors. Career development (onthejobs) looks at specialty selection, career choices, interviews and internships.
onthewards originated from some locally produced podcasts for junior doctors at Royal Prince Alfred (RPA) Hospital. There was such interest from doctors at other hospitals that they decided to remove the passwords and make it available to everyone. ontheblogs shares medical education topics relevant to junior doctors and their supervisors. Career development (onthejobs) looks at specialty selection, career choices, interviews and internships.
Junior Doctors and Education